Wearing a continuous hat is deprived of oxygen hair, dry air turns thick curls into weak and lifeless icicles, provokes frost vasospasm, weakens nutrition and slows curl growth.
Daily Care Rules
- In the spring, the use of special therapeutic complexes for hair becomes an urgent need. Their composition may vary slightly, but the presence of vitamins A, E, B, lipid and protein is considered mandatory.
- The shampoo selected for care can change the condition of the hair for both better and worse. For intensive procedures, products containing ceramides, lithics, bananas, peaches, avocados, sage and chamomile extracts are suitable.
- Hair nutrition depends first of all on diet. The flow of blood capillaries in the scalp is provided by zinc (cereals, rice) and vitamin C (apples, bananas, citrus). Silicon (cucumber) will accelerate hair growth and sulfur (turkey meat, beef, pork) will give them shine.
- The split tips are subject to immediate cutting. Makes hair style easy & styling
Ways to repair hair at home
An intensive rehabilitation course is not possible without the use of various infusions and masks.
- According to 1 tablespoon. Aloe juice, carrot and lemon spoon are mixed with the same amount of cognac and castor oil. After adding the yolk, the mixture is applied for half an hour.
2.2 Art. A spoonful of burdock and castor oil, diluted with vitamins A, E and dimexite (1 tbsp each). The mask is applied to the roots and then distributed over the length of the hair and left for 4 hours under a warm dressing.
- Pour 30 g chamomile in half a glass of boiling water, insist for an hour, then add a spoonful of honey. Keep the resulting mixture in your hair for one hour.
- Add 1 g pink, sea buckthorn and eucalyptus oils to 100 g burdock oil. Massage the scalp and leave for half an hour, rinse with water.
- 4 tablespoons in 1 egg drive. spoon of rum. Leave on hair under a towel for 25 minutes, rinse thoroughly.
- Heat the yogurt, spread it over the hair, wrap your head in parchment paper and wrap it with a towel. After half an hour, give a light head massage and rinse the mask.
Salon hair rehabilitation methods
- A procedure of cleansing and moistening the scalp to improve spring hair is excellent. The enzyme, which is part of the scrub, dissolves residual oil and relieves the symptoms of dandruff. The massage cleans and removes unnecessary dirt. In the final step, a humidifier is applied.
- “Laser comb” – stimulation of the skin with waves of different color spectra – improves metabolism, hair structure and promotes growth.
Regular care and careful adherence to simple rules will bring health and beauty back to the hair quickly and the owners will be in a good mood.