
What are the causes of hair loss?

How can I stop my hair loss?

How can I stop my hair loss
How can I stop my hair loss

Hair loss is the reduction or complete loss of hair that may be related to the individual, society, genetic factors, nutrition, drug use, age, sex and care. Causes of hair loss include seasonal changes, stress, iron deficiency, hormone disorders. However, long-term hair loss can be one of the symptoms of serious diseases. Now let’s examine the causes of hair loss and how to prevent hair loss

Today, hair loss has become a very urgent problem, and if it was previously mainly a male problem, it affected women today. Although the hair does not have a vital function in the body, leaving it horrifies everyone. What are the main reasons for this process and can it be prevented?

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If you look, the rate of hair loss is not more than 100 hair per day. If you have seen 10 hairs on your comb, you should not be worried and desperate to begin the baldness process. Nothing more when much more. Let’s review this issue starting from the birth of a person.

One of the rare but true events is the abnormality of the skin without the hair follicle. A child with such an anomaly is born balding. Unfortunately, in the development of such an event, there is nothing you can do to help.

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Can hair loss be a sign of something serious

Another point where parents face hair loss in a 3-4 month old child. Basically, this process is quite natural and does not last long, there is no reason for panic. Only the first soft bristles are removed and replaced by the new, harder ones. However, there are more serious causes such as rickets, allopecia and ringworm. Even if you have the slightest doubt about these diseases, you should consult a pediatrician.

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How can I stop my hair from falling out female

In addition, seborrhea can often be the cause of hair loss. It is associated with violation of sebaceous glands. The first symptoms can be felt even during adolescence and may last for several years. Today, there are many effective and efficient ways to get rid of this problem.

In a young man, hair loss begins during puberty. Continued baldness can cause bald patches. In this process, the growth of new hair continues, but grows less than shed. When such baldness begins, the effectiveness of the treatment depends.

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What causes hair loss in females

The reasons for hair loss may be different: Wash your hair with unsuitable water (too cold or too hot), narrow hats, water without poisoning, prolonged exposure to sun or frost. It is worth mentioning that heredity plays an important role.

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If we talk about hair loss in women, there are several reasons for this: hormonal insufficiency, frequent insomnia, stress, hair (which is tightly clamped), frequent use of a hot hair dryer, and various hairdressing manipulations. In addition, many mothers begin a sharp hair loss, which is due to the restructuring of the body. Don’t worry, this is a temporary procedure, after a few months new hair grows and your volume improves over time.

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Most of the time, both men and women begin treatment in affected areas of the skin without knowing the cause of hair loss, without thinking that the cause can be handled more deeply than they think. One of these reasons may be a violation of the internal systems of the human body: liver, kidney, thyroid gland, immune diseases. In such cases, it is important to remember that no local solution will help you until you resolve the root cause of this problem.

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It is worth remembering that preventing a disease is easier than treating it. So always follow your diet, it should be as balanced as possible; monitor the status of the thyroid gland and other organs; do not use shampoo and other hair care products of dubious quality; Avoid stressful situations, try to sleep well.

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