For a woman, hair is regarded as a separate indicator of beauty, charm and femininity. Therefore, every beauty wants to have a thick, long and glorious weave and does everything possible for it. Hair care products can be found in specialist stores. However, there, the costs are quite high and the result is not always good. You can also make masks for fast hair growth at home. Our grandmothers also tried different ingredients and herbs to find unique recipes for hair care.
In today’s environment, it is difficult to find completely environmentally friendly components or just use natural masks. However, some key secrets from folk recipes can significantly increase hair growth and add the desired thickness to the hair.
Masks for fast hair growth
A mask containing burdock oil, egg yolk, onion juice and combined oil is considered the perfect tool for almost all hair types. Burdock oil has a positive effect on hair follicles, regenerates shine and aligns lengths. Egg yolk also strengthens and shines, and onion juice improves blood flow, increases the absorption of nutrients, warms the hair follicles and thus improves hair growth. When combined oil nourishes the hair, makes it gently and does not cause irritation to the scalp. Such a mask can be done twice a week and you can use lemon juice or warm water with vinegar to rinse to avoid an unpleasant onion smell.
Mustard powder, a mask wrapped in cognac and egg affects the density, but the correct application is important. The mixture is directed to the scalp because it exaggerates the hair too much, but has a pronounced warming effect that increases hair growth. This is a special tool whose effectiveness depends on the degree of skin burning, the stronger the better, the better the result. To make the mustard burn harder, you can add some sugar to the mask and mix everything well. Many girls also add lemon juice, but these ingredients will be useless and will not produce the expected results. The mask will be ideal for oily hair because it increases sebum balance and gently dries the roots. Thus the drying effect is not very strong. After applying the mask, you can use a spray to the source of the ponytail or a decoction of the burdock root.
A mask containing kefir and salty rye bread nourishes the hair well and is considered a good vitamin cocktail. Naturally used as a shampoo and has a slight effect. The better the skin absorbs the beneficial substances, the more active the hair is and the more well-groomed and better-looking their appearance.
For a better result, you must follow a few simple rules. First, hair masks should be applied in a heated manner, this increases their absorption level, and of course – gives the best result. Second, the skin needs to be massaged before and after applying the mask, but it should not be pressed firmly against the follicles to avoid irritation. Before applying the mask, you can massage with an oil composition to open the pores, and after the mask is washed, the clean hair can be massaged with a natural-based rinse spray. Preparing such a spray at home is easy enough and the process will not be difficult.
These are the main tips for increasing hair density. However, if you apply them regularly and systematically follow the sequence of procedures, the result will be very effective and of good quality. And the hair is much nicer and thicker …