Wedding hairstyles for long hair: 2020 photo news
She perfectly complements the hair with bangs. As a rule, the decor is placed at the place where it begins. Moreover, the decoration can be elegant and small or, conversely, luxurious with many rhinestones. But the bangs can be any: straight, oblique, short or long. Tiara is an interesting accessory that makes the image fabulous. This is a great option to make your childhood dreams come true when all the girls wanted to become real princesses. A fluffy strapless gown with a straight corset fits this look. If the hair needs to be left flowing, then a haircut with curls will do. Small bouffant allowed.

Wedding hairstyles for 2020 – perfect options with photos
The hardest thing is to find a wedding image for a short square. In this case, all sorts of accessories will come to the rescue – hats, wreaths, tiaras, feathers, hairpins, flowers and much more, as well as professional advice. The goal is to emphasize the personality of the bride. If the newlywed is a young romantic person, then you can use large and lush ornaments with flowers, branches, feathers and so on.

If the bride has a certain character or her age has stepped far beyond 30, then it’s better to choose strict hairpins, combs or headbands with stones as wedding accessories for a short haircut. For a square of medium length, the number of options for the hairstyle of the main character of a wedding celebration increases significantly – it can be loose, partially or fully collected hair. The presence of accessories is also relevant or individually.