Many of us, for sure, had to go through the disappointment of the classic chemical wave. Spoiled, incomprehensible color hair, sticking out in all directions and one dream – quickly cut it all off. Now there are opportunities to minimize the adverse effects of chemistry on the hair, it became possible to choose a perm permitting, not only in external indices, but also in the type of your hair.
However, very much will depend on the master who will do you a perm. From my own experience I can say that the most successful my wave was the very first. It was done with a soul, but in absolutely unthinkable conditions, the most common Lacon. I was not able to achieve such a result, but I’m sorry.
A true professional will make an analysis of the type of your hair, and will choose the perm according to the results. So, for example, for tired hair a gentle acid wave will do. In contrast to conventional chemistry, the acid curl has a pH between 6 and 7, which almost corresponds to the natural acid protective skin and hair. This means that the acid wave does not get too tired. If you have sensitive skin on your head, you will need a biological wave, containing sulphides and very gently affects the scalp. Normal chemistry is suitable only for healthy or very thin hair. Her only virtue is that she keeps at least a widow longer than any other version of the wave.