Long hair can attract the attention of every person, and if it is bulky at the same time, there will be no limit to the liking of others. However, not all women are naturally fortunate to have thick hair, and if short haircut owners do not cause any worries, then the lack of long hair volume immediately distorts the picture. This problem is common to most long haired beauties. The reason for this is that the more hair grows, the more visible its structure is, the more thin it becomes, especially when they are not very thick by nature. The ends of the hair begin to emerge, giving them an unhealthy and unattractive appearance.
What to do in this case?
Of course, jealous people will recommend you to straighten your hair, and the more conscious ones will decide to contact a hairdresser. We offer the third option: first, learn about the main methods that visually add volume to the long hair visually, and then try to choose the most suitable method for yourself.
Use of shampoo and balsam
Designed to increase the volume of long hair, such products actually help, but never work equally well. For example, silicone cosmetics (and also styling mouses) harden while maintaining the volume of the hair. Silicone covers each hair and gives shine. But because of the silicone, the head becomes very dirty because the dust adheres easily. Therefore, you will have to wash your hair daily to maintain the beauty of bulky hair. Otherwise, an unpleasant oily gloss is achieved.
In this context, sprays and shampoos containing polarized particles and ceramide are considered the best. Almost everyone knows the effect of the latter, so we stand on polarized particles. Charges are molecules separated in space. When a plastic comb is driven into physics, it is enough to remember the school experience and then push or pull small objects. Therefore, in a polarized particle, one side of the load is drawn to the hair, while the second is outward facing. The volume was created because the charges of the same name were rejected. The most important thing is that the volume obtained is “alive ğı where the hair does not stick at all.
We recommend using this type of spray because it contains vitamin supplements, does not make the hair heavy and can be used several times a day. Nevertheless, the polarized particles adhere to the hair for only a few hours.
Use of hair gels and foams
Carefully washed hair requires proper styling. Special gels and foams are perfect for this. Spread the right amount of product on both palms, then gently apply to the hair using your fingers to distribute the hair more evenly. This also contributes to the creation of additional space between the hair layers; in addition, it gives the hair more pumping and volume. In order to preserve the sound generated, you should raise your hands, raise and move gently every few hours.
The use of henna
Henna is a very healthy hair product that gives a healthy and well-groomed appearance. It is produced in the form of conditioners and hair conditioners that do not require rinsing. Henna is suitable for all types of hair, yellowing them, supports protection from harmful external factors. Henna comes in many different colors, so you can easily choose the option that suits you. The henna application procedure should be repeated every three months.
Haircut and hair styling
For several years now, a stylish haircut called “multi-level helmet medi has not lost ground. Hair becomes voluminous due to different hair lengths. Generally, short hair is much easier to volume and therefore the upper hair is cut shorter than others. Using special foam for shaping helps you achieve an excellent volume near the root root. During the hair drying process (after applying the foam), you should raise the hair strand to its roots and bring the hair dryer to a very close distance. This ensures maximum results. However, do not abuse the use of a hair dryer, because the hair may be dry, brittle and split.